


All cancer begins with a genetic change in a cell - followed by many other cell changes. Over the last several years our knowledge and awareness of the importance of genetic links for disease and overall health has increased exponentially. As recently as five years ago, it was agreed that about 5% of all breast cancers had some genetic component. With additional knowledge about genetics, it is now thought that up to 10% can be attributed to some genetic factor(s). As you investigate this topic and consider genetic testing, it is highly advisable to work with a genetic counselor. Below you will find some helpful website links:

•       AMA Collecting a Family History

•       Genetic Testing Registry

•       GeneReviews

•       Genetic counseling - Ferre Genetics

•       Genetics Home Reference - NIH - National Library of Medicine

•       National Comprehensive Cancer Network

•       National Society of Genetic Counselors (Find a genetic counselor near you)

•       OMIM - Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders